Friday, July 23, 2010

This will go down on your permanent record

Breakin' the law, breakin' the law...

Paul Zeigle and I were pulled over by the police in Hyland Park on the way to work Tuesday morning. Apparently those tiny toy stop signs between bike paths are fully lawful and legally you need to come to a complete stop. I am always extremely conscientious about obeying stop signs, stop lights, and any other road signage on my bike if I'm in the street. I act like a car to keep myself safe, to earn respect from motorists, and to set a good example for other cyclists. So getting pulled over on a bike path, 2 minutes from work, made me a tad upset with myself. But I also felt a little bit of pride in my uncharacteristic "lawlessness."

The little sting operation the police had set up caught a fair number of Q employees including our very own El Presidente Steve Flagg so at least I was in good company.

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